We’ve been highly focused on discussing activated charcoal, what it is and all of its benefits because we understand – and hope you do too – that activated charcoal is not a fad. It is a highly studied remedy for many ailments and a prevention of the body’s absorption of toxins. For some, activated charcoal has been the difference between life and death. Literally. We can’t stress its important enough. I believe it is almost as important as the discovery of penicillin. The creation of soap. It’s that significant.
In the information I discuss here, I rely heavily on the book titled, “Activated Charcoal in Medical Applications,” by David O. Cooney that was published in 2009. Because though Conney focuses on medical application, the weight of charcoal and its abilities to detoxify and impede the absorption of chemicals and drugs is very apparent. It allows us to connect the dots and imagine various alternative ways this black powder can be used to enhance the human body.
When reviewing earlier studies, it should be noted that there are three general terms that are used interchangeably. We call it “activated charcoal,” as do many modern medical professionals, but it is also referred to as “activated carbon” and “active carbon.”
In a previous article, I mentioned the activation process, but not in detail. Here it is. According to Cooney, the activation process is done by taking the charcoal from a controlled pyrolysis (pyrolysis is a form of treatment that decomposes materials by superheated temperatures in the absence of oxygen) and subjecting it to the action of an oxidizing gases like steam, carbon dioxide or high temperature air. This is what improves the absorptive capacity of charcoal by expanding the fine pores in the material.
Cooney also sites an Egyptian papyrus from 1550 B.C. that references assorted charcoals for medicinal purposes. In the time of Hippocrates (around 400 B.C.) and Pliny (around 50 A.D.) wood charcoal (not activated) was used to treat several conditions, including epilepsy, vertigo, chlorosis (anemia) and anthrax.
Charcoals made before the 1800’s were not activated the way they are now. Usually, the were made through pyrolysis alone without the treatment of oxidizing gases. The absorption capacity was fairly decent, but nowhere near the absorption capacity of today’s activated charcoals.
In 1811, a French chemist named Bertrand studied poisoning in animals and in 1813 performed a public demonstration of the effectiveness in preventing toxicity by swallowing 5g of arsenic trioxide mixed with charcoal. In 1831, a French pharmacist, Touèry, swallowed a mixture of 15g charcoal and strychnine (an amount ten times the lethal dose) in a demonstration for the French Academy of Medicine. Brave but…
I’ve elaborated on some of the history and study of activated charcoal to illustrate how far back the study of activated charcoal goes. Charcoal, even activated charcoal is not a new idea for healing and repairing the body. Just to be clear.
Also, be on the lookout for Heart of Yemalla’s latest giveaway which is sure to include our Onyx Black Soapwith (you already know…) activated charcoal. If you can’t wait, you can click hereand get it now.