Cooling Weather Skin Care Tip #1


We are deep in to autumn now and we’ve all, undoubtedly, noticed the changes around us.  There are, of course, the changes in the weather, the changes in the leaves (though not around where I live) and the changes in our skin.  Most of us adapt to these differences by breaking out our sweater/ sweatshirts; planting new seeds in our gardens and changing our skin care regimens. 

What?  You’re not changing your skin care regiment?

Well, maybe you’re one of the luck few who doesn’t need to because nothing about your skin has changed.  For most of us, however, we are starting to feel the drying effects of cooler air.  We might even find that our skin is itchy more often than in the summer months. 

Dry skin in cold weather is completely normal.  One of the reasons is because warmer air tends to hold more moisture than cooler air.  And when we crank up the heater indoors, it does nothing to add moisture to the air. 

One thing you can do to help your skin during these cooler months, is to shorten your showers.  Yes!  I know… it feels so gooooood to soak up that hot water with the fierce cold waiting for us just outside the bathroom door.  Hot water, however, worsens dry itchy skin.  The high temperature strips your skin of your natural protective oils.   If you’re unwilling to shorten the length of your shower time, then consider lowering the temperature of the water during your showers.

After your shower, be sure to add an additional layer of protection via a good moisturizer.  Depending upon how cold it is, you might consider switching from a water based lotion to an oil based moisturizer.  The oil will also help in keeping the cold out.