Not your job: Changing people's minds

It’s Thursday! 

I hope your week’s been good.  For me it’s been a challenge.  Actually, the month of June, so far, has been a challenge.  I’d like to think I’ve been cracking the whip - handling it all like a boss – but I haven’t.  You know how it is, even though you’re insanely brilliant and the world is better because you’re in it.

 Earlier this week I realized that there are people in my inner circle who’ve come to define me, in part, by the struggles throughout my life.  This bit of news bothered me initially, however, though I know it’s not a feeling conjured out of malice, it’s something I have to reject.

 Once upon a time I was a homeless single mother with a four-year-old.  That time in my life helped me to draw from a strength I never knew I had.  And in the time when I struggled to keep the lights on in my little one-bedroom apartment, I again had to pull from my reserves and was relieved when my baby viewed eating McDonalds on the floor by candlelight as an adventure and not a misfortune.

 It’s not my job to change the minds of others about who I am as a person, but it’s definitely my job to keep it clear in my own mind. I’m telling you this because I believe in my heart that when you get to know yourself (not your wobbly self, but your higher self – the real you) other’s will eventually come to learn who you are - even if they’ve known you your entire life.

Take this and some self-love into your weekend.

 I wish you the best Awesome Woman!